Peter Conrad
Astronaut Pete Conrad was born June 2nd, 1930, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He received a bachelor of science degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Princeton University in 1953 and, following graduation from Princeton, entered the Navy and became a naval aviator. Conrad then attended the Navy Test Pilot School in Maryland, where he became a Project Test Pilot.
Conrad was chosen by NASA to be an astronaut and, in 1965, he flew for Gemini 5, which established the space endurance record and placed the United States in the lead for man-hours in space. He became the commander of Gemini 11 and helped to set a world's altitude record. He then served as commander of Apollo 12, the second moon landing in 1969 with Alan Bean and Richard Gordon. They brought the first color television camera to the lunar surface on an Apollo mission flight and managed to broadcast some live footage.
After Apollo, Conrad served as commander of Skylab 2—the first United States Space Station.