Media Gallery
Flight Results
Document detailing the desired accuracy and actual results of the Apollo 8 translunar ...More
Astronaut Training For Apollo Guidance Computer P23
A list of objectives and outcomes for astronaut training in the P23 computer ...More
P23 Apollo Guidance Computer Operations Development
A list of improvements made to the P23 computer program during development. ...More
Horizon Characteristics and Uncertainties
A list of horizon characteristics and uncertainties that affect mid-course navigation. ...More
Problem Areas in the On-Board System
A description and list of the measurement errors or problems identified by the ...More
Apollo 8 Translunar and Transearth Trajectories
Diagram depicting both the translunar and transearth trajectories for the Apollo ...More
Apollo 12 GET Earth Centered
Apollo 12 spacecraft in relation to the Earth and surrounding stars. Image ...More
Diagram of the Apollo Command Module (CM) sextant. The sextant, along with the ...More
Scanning Telescope
Diagram of the Apollo Command Module (CM) scanning telescope. The scanning telescope, ...More
Extrapolation of Position and Velocity
Diagram depicting the calculation of the spacecraft velocity and position based ...More
Measurement Plane Misalignment
Illustrative diagram depicting spacecraft navigation misalignment. Image courtesy: ...More
Lunar Terrain Profile
Chart detailing a profile of the lunar terrain, including the height, longitude, ...More
Uses of the Hybrid Simulation
A list of the uses of the hybrid simulation including software verification, ...More
Hybrid Simulation Equipment Summary for the Lunar Excursion Module and Command Module
Chart detailing the equipment comprising both the Command Module and Lunar Excursion ...More
Landing Radar Split Pulse
Diagram of communication between the Lunar Excursion Module's (LEM) landing ...More
Cockpit Mock-Up Displays and Controls for the Lunar Excursion Module and Command Module
Chart detailing the components making up the Command Module and Lunar Excursion ...More
Comparison of Simulations as Verification Tools
Chart comparing the system test lab, all digital, and hybrid Apollo simulations. ...More
Roll Back Operations
Diagram of communication between the astronaut, operator, and Primary Guidance, ...More
Simplified Interrupt Assignments
Diagram depicting simplified interrupt assignments. In the Apollo Primary Guidance, ...More
Typical Page Of Edit Output
An output page of data from the LEM simulator for ascent and descent. Image ...More
Spacecraft Configurations
Diagram of the various Apollo spacecraft control configurations including the ...More
Principle Elements of the Lunar Excursion Module's Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System
Diagram depicting communication between the Lunar Excursion Module's (LEM) ...More
User and Operator Functions
Diagram of communication between the astronaut, operator, and Primary Guidance, ...More
Software Verification Levels
Diagram depicting the steps new software must go through during verification ...More
Cartoon of Doc Draper Atop a Diving Submarine
Illustrated cartoon of Charles "Doc" Stark Draper on top of a descending ...More